Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment

AmerEquip International is a trusted supplier of pharmaceutical processing equipment. We distribute to customers around the United States. This type of equipment is perfect for many different industries.  So no matter what line of pharmaceutical work you're in, we have the processing equipment you need! We aim to make your job easier and for you to become a more efficient worker. When we buy used equipment, we fully refurbish it. So it meets industry standards and you can purchase with confidence! Get fair and accurate pricing when you turn to AmerEquip.

Discovery of Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment

Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment

The initial step in the process is the actual discovery of a medicine. This part is done by researchers who are testing various molecular compounds in an attempt to prevent an ailment. Even when a compound is chosen, there is still a long road ahead. The compound may not even be the correct choice. So the conduction of experiments test a variety of factors.

Long before pharmaceuticals fully form and are ready for our used pharmaceutical processing equipment, people in research positions must define a plethora of particulars. This includes:

  • dosage size
  • side effects
  • how the medicine interacts with the human body
  • how it effects certain demographics
  • the way the dosage responds to other drugs in the body’s system

The only way to know for sure if the pharmaceutical processing equipment will work is by clinical studies with human subjects. Prior to allowing the test subjects to ingest the medication, researchers must have a list of objectives. They need to determine the demographics, the total amount of people to study, the timeframe, a possible control group, the data to be collected and probably much more.

Common Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment

Pharmaceutical manufacturing is a highly controlled and regulated environment and nearly every step can be automated. On top of that, there is a piece of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment or pharmaceutical manufacturing machines involved in every step of the process. Here are some of the pharmaceutical processing equipment commonly used in solid dose (tablet and capsule) and liquid pharmaceutical manufacturing:

  • Agitators: For mixing liquids, promoting chemical reactions and increasing heat or cooling transfers.
  • Dryers and Granulators: For drying liquid preparations into powders or granules.
  • Coaters: For coating tablets or capsules with films.
  • Capsule & tablet printers: For printing information like drug names or dosage on the capsules or tablets.
  • Boilers: Creating steam by applying heat energy to water.
  • Capsule equipment: To fill, polish, and sort capsules.
  • Centrifuges: Used for separation of liquids of different densities, and/or for separation of liquids from solids.
  • Chillers: Use to quickly lower temperatures.

Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment For Sale

Request Quote or Appraisal Today

AmerEquip International has years of experience providing clients around the country with dependable pharmaceutical processing equipment, like dependable bundlers and wrappers. We supply both used and new equipment to better fit your needs, as well as your budget. When we buy used equipment, we fully refurbish it. So you can buy with confidence!

Request Quote or Appraisal

For more information about our great selection of pharmaceutical processing equipment, please contact us today. We have a great selection of used pharmaceutical equipment. When you reach out, we will answer any questions or concerns you may have about this selection of equipment and machines. With your phone call, we can provide you with a free estimate and consultation regarding the equipment we have in stock. So please, do not hesitate to reach out today!